For FDA Recall Information:

Pet Library

Welcome to our Pet Library.  We have over 3,000 animal care, behavior, hazard and disease prevention and sickness treatment titles available to our clients.  These are customized to our geographical area and climate.  In our website listing of animal care handouts we only provided the early stages of life care for that species.  All of the life care handouts cannot be practically listed, nor the problems that the animal may have.  There are many more senior & geriatric care, breeding, feeding, facilities, plants & forages, disaster preparation and other handouts available.  


If you are having problems with your animal please call for an appointment and/or bring in a fecal sample for your animal and we can provide more information.  To collect a stool example we need about a teaspoon to a tablespoon of feces for small animals.  In a herd or flock of livestock or poultry a mixture of 1/2 of a teaspoon from 6-8 different piles is adequate, all mixed into one zip-lock bag and kept refrigerated. 

Coughing or vomiting animals should not have their stool sample refrigerated and instead keep the sample at room temperature and bring in within a few hours with the patient examination, if possible.  Animals with diarrhea should have their sample bagged and saved individually. 

To collect urine in a cat or an exotic pet see the second part in Feeding Your Pet, and for other species you can catch the urine in a clean container.  We have urine ladles and containers available upon request, plus directions for livestock, birds or pocket pet urine collection.  Urine should be brought to the clinic within a few hours of collecting, or placed in a refrigerator until you can drop it by the clinic within 24 hours.   

For quality internet resources regarding more animal care information, please visit our Client Education link.


Summary of Library Content